Thursday, October 5, 2023

Blog Post #11 Assignment

 Write a post about what you learned from a different team. Either write about that team's presentation as a whole or zero in on a term or concept you found interesting.

On October 3 of 2023, me and several other student were put into groups to talk about a variety of categories that fit in the following categories: Awareness, mediasphere, theories, policy, and age of AI. The category I would like to focus on for this blog post is theories.

Within the different categories, there were different topics that were discussed. The first one I will write about is the Overton Window theory. this theory was formalized in 2003, and considers whether an action or idea created by a politician or leader is unthinkable, radical, acceptable, sensible, popular, etc. This all can be difficult to balance, or find what would work best, since it is all based on public opinion and standards, which can shift or change over time. Not only that, but it can also be swayed by disinformation and misinformation, so what people think or believe can vastly vary throughout the population. While there are many negatives to this, there's also some positives. For example, it can be used to help know if the general population wants or does not want something to occur, and the people in government positions can act accordingly. 

Another category in this category is confirmation bias. This is when people process information by looking for or interpreting info with their own beliefs from prior. This can make it hard to accept information that is against or contradicts your own. Most instances of confirmation bias is mostly unintentional, but it is something that is shown to affect all. It is important to be able to detect when you are showing bias, and to not let it affect what you think or do. When discovering something new, try and start with a neutral opinion and to not think of anything that can sway that until after you learn a bit about what you're learning about. It is important not to jump to conclusions about something you know little to nothing about.

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