Friday, September 29, 2023

Blog Post #6 Assignment

 Fast forward to today, when the United States government is waging military operations all over the globe. Explore this website: ANTIWAR.COM  Also explore this one: The American Conservative  Notice how the writers on these sites are all very strong antiwar voices that you NEVER seem to hear in the mainstream news. I wonder why that is, don't you? You've probably never even heard of these websites. I wonder why that is? Why do you think you have to seek out obscure websites in order to hear strong antiwar voices?

    There is no single answer to the question above, since it all depends on the person who's answering's perspective, opinion, or what they have witnessed or experienced in their life- basically, events that can create bias within their minds. For example, the most tame explanation that I can think of is that everyone has their own thoughts an opinions, and it just so happens to be that the mainstream news like NBC, CNN, and Fox simply do not share those same thoughts or opinions, or at least, don't entirely agree with them. 

    Another could be that the sites listed with the prompt do not share the same values or beliefs as mainstream news companies, and do things very differently. Looking at Antiwar, you can see that they are "devoted to the cause of non-interventionism and is read by libertarians, pacifists, leftists, "greens," and independents alike, as well as many on the Right who agree with our opposition to imperialism." Meanwhile, you would never catch places like Fox (or the other smaller news source, The American Conservative) saying something like that.

    For why I, and I assume many others, have not heard of these two sites is most likely due to how Google's algorithm, or more specifically, ranking results appear. They are more likely to put something on top if it is something that has generated a lot of views and clicks- which pushes Antiwar and American Conservative down. Not only that, but if you search for those sites more, they will likely appear higher in the future. People are not as likely to search for a specific non-mainstream news source. Not only that, but the mainstream news sources have people who trust and believe them to keep them relevant (for better or worse), while the others do not, or at least to the same degree. It also doesn't help that many people nowadays do not do as much research, often only sourcing one or even zero places (and the one place may be biased, incorrect, or from someone who is not an expert in the field).

    In the end, it seems to be that we need to seek out obscure websites because mainstream news, at this point, is most likely corrupted by greed and power. They will do whatever they can to make the ones they support appear to be correct, even if it means losing their reputation or twisting the truth. Though many in that situation do not care about their public image anymore, since they have enough money to have them set for life, to watch the world burn from the damage they've and others like them have done. This is why we need more obscure sources- while some may not have access to the same kind of information, these people know that messing up can bring them to an end- causing them to give it their all, to make sure they are correct to stay on the face of the internet. While they will likely be tempted by larger corporations to always take their side, to make them appear as perfect, they know the amount of damage that can be done upon a backfire. They are not going to take the dangerous risk, and as a reward for that, they become some of the best sources out there.

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